Slides Framework

Pratham Gupta

Computer Science Student

Cybersecurity Researcher

Some Projects

These are some hand picked projects to show variety of skills in languages as well as environments.

  • CTF Archive

    Archiving CTF challenges related to pwning, cryptography, networking, forensics, steganography, reverse engineering, and binary from the past 20 years.

  • Lyrical Sentiment Analysis

    Used Google's Mediapipe to make machine learning model that detects sentiments of a song trained from a library of approximatedly 10,000 songs.

  • NASA's Astro Academy

    This project seeks to create an engaging online educational game inspired by NASA's groundbreaking Psyche Mission, a remarkable space exploration endeavor. To play the game click on the name and password is "1234"

  • Data Science and Machine Learning

    Using Python and Jupyter Notebooks analyzed supermarket as well as titanic datasets.

  • Custom PC Builder's Order Management

    This project entails the development of a Windows application and a PostgreSQL database designed to cater to the needs of a custom PC building retailer.

  • QOSF Quantum Computing Challenge

    Made a simple program using Qiskit and Jupyter Notebooks to find Negative Numbers in a List by using only quantum gates.

Connect with me for project inquiries, opportunities, or to discuss creative ideas.